Culinary enjoyment

But with a panorama, please. Just like THE VIEW.
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The full THE VIEW indulgence package. To enjoy here.

To our hotel guests: get ready! The smell of coffee and freshly baked bread rolls in the morning, the taste of tender meat and fresh salads in the evening. Basically regional, and if exotic, then of the highest quality - that's how we do it.

Not a hotel guest at THE VIEW? Take a seat with us anyway!

Whether you're a local, passing through or on a culinary discovery tour on vacation - the door to our Panorama Restaurant is also open to you as an external guest. After all, happiness doubles when you share it, doesn't it?

Breathe in deeply. The scent of freedom
and adventure tickles your nostrils. Your bike
is ready to go. Saalbach’s mountains and forests are waiting. Or perhaps you'd rather explore the surroundings on foot? Then discover them on a hike.
Afterwards put up your tired feet and let your mind roam free in the spa.
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